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Welcome to a new media platform and community where everything wrong with media content platforms and advertising will strive to become better not worse and anoying as hell.

Here you can be more open to being you and not anything else. Advertising will not overpower the creator's content and will have its own place not forcing you to  look and or listen or have to  skip annoying ads that is not the market strategy we want or need.

Thoes who cannot afford or know how to create a website /page or would like a less restrictive platform (pay to be seen) will have opportunity here to help grow your content and or products.

There is a unbranded app through Spaces network that you can create groups and post content within and to see and share with other groups just like facebook but better. then also prepare thu you profile application launch live your desired feed of what you want to share with the World.

Ad space will be available at premium to spotlight to a temporary promotion for creators to promote themselves, any other ad will be by creator / advertiser will only or in the classified sections.

Links will be available soon to you site with shortcuts to other social media sites.


This platform is continually under live construction so please  be patient for changes and glitches.  Feedback and consideration for any ideas you may have, please do not hesitate to contact us.


This is an online upgrade to serve you not overpowering unresponsive large corporations, but a new corporation to create new better opportunities to invest in your inspiring talents and ventures.

Created and managed by, 

US Army Veteran John Hynes

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